Unmut an Notre Dame

08.05.2024 10:34
#1 Unmut an Notre Dame

Letzte Woche hat die Verwaltung von Notre Dame / Paris die Ernennungen der Organisten bekannt gegeben. Gut, Philipp Lefebvre ist nicht mehr dabei erstaunte etwas, und ein mir bisher unbekannter Thibault Fajoles war dafür neu dabei. Das hat für Unmut nun gesorgt, gab es doch keine offizielle Ausschreibung für eine Neubesetzung. Aber lest selbst:

The management of Notre-Dame's organs is causing some gnashing of teeth (excerpts from the Lettre du Musicien article of May 5, 2024).
(...) "In organist circles, the announcement on April 24 of the appointments of the incumbents of the great organ of ND de Paris has loosened tongues. Seven of them have chosen to speak out, but anonymously: "We don't speak out in public because we'll say we're jealous of a youngster", they explain (...)
While the appointment of Thierry Escaich, an emblematic figure in both organ and composition, as co-titular organist of the great organ is taken for granted in the milieu, that of a young musician, hitherto unknown in the sector, Thibault Fajoles, as assistant titular organist of the great organ and the choir organ, is not at all to their liking (...).
Born in 2002, the young man is still in his first year at the CNSMD, having studied organ for five years at the regional conservatories of Nancy and Saint-Maur des Fossés. Contacted, he describes this dream come true, even a surprise for him who "never expressed his desire to have the position, nor did he apply" (...)
According to sources close to Notre-Dame, no vacancies had been announced prior to last week's appointments. (...)
Philippe Lefebvre, 75, has been compulsorily retired (...) It's disgusting," says one organist, "he's done so much for Notre-Dame! Thanks to him, the organ has been able to benefit from the best factors to keep it running at its best.(...)
Johan Vexo, aged 46, is the big absentee. Yet far from retirement, he is not returning to his post either (...)
You'd expect the same organists to return," says a musician close to the matter. Not least out of a sense of deontology, and because it's humanly acceptable for the Church, which emphasizes love of neighbor". So much for that.
How did this young man come to be appointed to this position without having passed a competitive examination? "I can't think of a single explanation," confides an organist.
We don't want to destroy him," concede all the organists we spoke to. It's true that the weight already weighing on the young man's shoulders seems disproportionate".
The clergy assures us that Thibault Fajoles will be "accompanied and helped by the other three organists".(...).
@Jade Bourgery (La Lettre du Musicien) May 5, 2024.
Note: the last really serious competition for a major Parisian organ was held at Saint-Eustache in March 2015. It saw the nominations of Baptiste-Florian Marle-Ouvrard and Thomas Ospital.


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14.05.2024 19:29
#2 RE: Unmut an Notre Dame

Es schlägt nun immer größere Wellen:


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